The recovery process is an essential part of any surgical procedure. Breast reconstruction is no different. Here are six recovery rules that will promote healing and help things go smoothly:
- Don’t eat a big meal: It’s best to start with clear liquids. Eat bland foods such as toast and crackers and see how well you tolerate them before resuming your normal diet. You can minimize bloating if you eat smaller meals more frequently. Fiber is also beneficial.
- Don’t drive yourself home: It’s important to arrange a ride after surgery. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to drive for 48 hours or while you are taking pain medication.
- Don’t book an exercise class: You can hurt yourself if you push your body too fast. Be sure to resume physical activity at a gradual pace. Begin walking and climbing stairs right away to promote good blood flow. Put off any moderate or strenuous movements.
- Don’t rush back to work: Most patients can return to work within one to six weeks. However, it will depend on your procedure, career, and rate of healing. Our team will gladly provide personalized recommendations to help you plan time off.
- Don’t take a bath: It’s okay to shower and wash your hair 48 hours after surgery. However, you can’t bathe, swim, or soak in a hot tub for four to six weeks. While showering, keep the water aimed at your back and avoid splashing your incisions.
- Don’t smoke or drink alcohol: Smoking can interfere with healing and increase your risk of serious complications. Meanwhile, it’s dangerous to mix alcohol and pain meds. Talk to our doctors if you use marijuana because some specific restrictions may apply.
Book a Breast Reconstruction Consultation in Lone Tree
Certain aspects of your recovery will depend on your breast reconstruction procedure. Timelines and activity restrictions can vary between options like implant reconstruction and DIEP flap.
Our board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeons will make sure that you know what to expect from your specific surgical plan. Call 303-706-1100 today to get started with a consultation. The Breast Center Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery proudly serves Denver and Lone Tree, Colorado, as well as out-of-state patients who travel for our extraordinary care.