Impacts of Radiation Therapy if You Have Breast Implants

Pink,October,Breast,Cancer,Awareness,Month,,Woman,With,Pink,Ribbon Each year, it is estimated that more than 200,000 women in the United States alone will be diagnosed with some form of breast cancer. For most women who are diagnosed with breast cancer, radiation and a combination of chemotherapy or immunotherapy solutions are presented. If you are someone who has had breast implants, you may be wondering about the impacts of radiation therapy before choosing which path is right for you.

Learning about the impacts of radiation therapy if you have breast implants can help you feel confident in the medical decisions you make for yourself. Discover if a surgical procedure is right for you this year by calling The Breast Center (Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery) at 303-706-1100.


In some instances, it is not uncommon to experience inflammation if you have breast implants and are currently undergoing radiation. While this is often a temporary side effect, it can be uncomfortable and painful, depending on the severity of the inflammation at the time. This inflammatory reaction is typically caused by the silicone corpuscle coming in contact with the implant fibrous capsule, causing an immediate response. Oftentimes, when this incident occurs in an individual, it will be diagnosed and classified as a silicone-induced granuloma.

Implant Integrity

Radiation exposure can theoretically affect the integrity of breast implants, potentially leading to damage or rupture over time. However, modern implants are designed to withstand various stresses, and the risk of implant failure due to radiation therapy is considered relatively low.

Request a Consultation

Do you want to learn more about breast implant procedures and solutions that may be right for you? We can help. Contact The Breast Center (Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery) by calling us at 303-706-1100 or by requesting a consultation online today.

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