Sandra Lee Announces Breast Reconstruction Timeline

We’ve blogged before about celebrity chef Sandra Lee, who was diagnosed with breast cancer this past March. She received a double mastectomy in May, according to People Magazine says Ms. Lee had to undergo an additional surgery this past August to treat a post-op infection. Now, she has told People that she’s waiting until after the Super Bowl to undergo breast reconstruction. She lightheartedly said that her dedication to football was part of the reason to wait until after the annual NFL championship game in February.

Since her diagnosis, Ms. Lee has been an outspoken advocate for early detection. She recently penned an op-ed piece for the New York Post, in which she credited her cancer-free status to early detection and expressed serious concern over the American Cancer Society’s updated screening guidelines. The ACS has long recommended annual mammograms starting at age 40. Now the ACS has pushed the age to 45, and recommended that once a woman turns 55, she receive a mammogram every other year. The ACS updated these guidelines after weighing the risks and benefits associated with screening for breast cancer. Please speak to your doctor about these updates and discuss what may be right for you. These are only recommendations, and you have the right to advocate for preventive care how you see fit. You can learn more here:

If you are considering your breast reconstruction options and want accurate, unbiased information about those options, then please call The Breast Center Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery, at ( 303) -706-1100.

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