How long do Breast Implants Last?

Breast implant-based reconstruction is one option for restoring a natural, feminine breast shape after mastectomy. There may be other options that will work well for you too, such as flap reconstruction using your own tissue. The only way to know for sure is to consult our experienced reconstructive breast surgeons in Lone Tree, who can provide you with individualized recommendations based on your expectations.

As part of considering implant-based breast reconstruction, you may be wondering about the longevity of breast implants. For most women, breast implants are not lifetime devices and do have to be replaced at some point, but there’s no reason to replace them unless a problem occurs or unless you decide to modify some feature of your results. Examples of situations that may lead to breast implant exchange or removal are:

  • Rupture or tear in the breast implant shell
  • Breast implant complication, such as capsular contracture
  • Desired change in type of implant or implant size

The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Breast Center at Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery have lengthy experience providing reconstructive breast care. We are committed to arming you with all the information and guidance you need to make decisions about breast reconstruction.

For a one-on-one consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon, please call The Breast Center at Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery at ( 303) -706-1100. Our experienced and caring Lone Tree reconstructive breast surgeons serve Denver and all of the surrounding areas of Colorado.

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